Continental Breakfast Tray



  1. Mini Muffin or Mini Croissant (Qty: 1 piece)
    Product Spec: Breakfast Bread option if specified
    Packaging Procedure: Wrap tray in single layer cling wrap and heat shrink
  2. Mixed Fruit cut into 3/4″ cubes (Qty: 4 oz.)
  3. Healthy Cereal Selection (Qty: 4 oz.)
    Product Spec: Fiber One, Kashi or similar
    Packaging Procedure: Place cereal in bowl and single layer cling wrap
  4. Milk – 2% unless specified (Qty: 8 oz.)
    Product Spec: Re-packaged in 1/2 pint bottle
  5. Greek Yogurt Flavored (Qty: 6 oz.)
  6. Butter Foil (Qty: 1 oz.)
  7. Jam Foil (Qty: 1 piece)

1 Large Tray
1 Medium Bowl
2 – 6.8 oz. Ramekin

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